My EP, "A Four Letter Word" Out Now.
A Four Letter Word - Jun 28,2024

Produced, Mixed, Mastered by Kaiden. Featuring vocals from Reserv. Link to Stream/Purchase

Songs produced from 2022-2024, using FL Studio, Korg MicroKorg. Recorded in Atlanta, New York, Nashville & San Francisco.
Cover photo shot by Kaiden using Canon PowerShot SX530 HS
Released June 28, 2024 (c) Kaiden/Your Favorite Zombie

Sigmatic Sydnia

Sun July 14th @ 11:47AM

Back in Atlanta. Rolled the biggest joint ever to celebrate, it's bigger than the spacebar on my macbook.


So uh, yeah.

Fri July 12th @ 5:22PM

Going to a comedy show today. I'm not a huge fan of stand-up but Katt Williams and Dave Chappelle are hilarious, man. It's a little ironic, most of the movies I watch are comedies, but I just haven't seen much stand-up.
It's my last day in North Carolina, it's been so nice. I really enjoy spending time with my mom and everything, but I cannot wait to get back home and smoke. My mom has been trying to convince me to stay in NC and just live with her until I get a new car. I'm kind of scared to make new friends, and find a new job, and learn new names and faces, and fall in love again. My bro wrote a song about that I think.

Thur July 11th @ 10:12PM

Got drunk in front of my mom.

North Carolina is pretty nice. It's really pretty here, and this area is pretty close to Charlotte so I could link with my bro if I wanted. I got a bunch of clothes today, I think I'm gonna bring back business casual. I really miss home already, though. I have a nice date planned for when I get back, I think that X will really like it. I gotta make sure to get them something while I'm out here. And I lowkey miss work, lol.

My job is so shitty right now, I legit only get scheduled 4 hours a week. I try to pick up more shifts but they always are taken whenever I look. It's whatever. I'll find something else soon.

Thur July 11th @ 4:15PM

**Added some pics from my Bloggie, you can check them out on my photo blog**

Thur July 11th @ 3:11PM

made it to NC! was so happy to see my mom and everything just to find out, she had me come up here to help her move in . I really don't mind, though.
Later I'm going to look for a new car, just to see around. I think I'll be able to get a new one soon. Man, my car accident was almost 4 months ago already, and I haven't seen or heard much of anything from my lawyers. It was so messed up, too. I had to get this shot in my neck and lost my job, it really kind of ruined my life. I'm glad I might be wrapping up soon.

There's also SO. MUCH. FOOD. here like it's crazy. I've only been able to eat one meal, just cause' I had to split it up since the time I got here.
Going out to dinner tonight, can't wait to get white girl wasted. But seriously, it's been too long since I've had a drink. Only wish I had someone to share it with.

Wed July 10th @ 9:35AM

looong bus ride today. NOT looking forward to it. Need to get snacks and tunes, stat. I've been really into this new charli album recently, so I definetly need to download that. Probably also gonna load some Blink-182 up (classic).Trying to stay entertained while traveling is so hard for me, I usually just fall asleep. I really hope no one talks to me on there lol.

I also started reading Love Story by Erich Segal. It's pretty good, reminds me a bit of Norweigan Wood. I'd love to read more like these eventually, but I'm not too sure where to look. Maybe I'll find a bookstore or something.

Wed July 10th @ 8:13AM

"Do you miss me?
Oddly enough, I do!
You said "I do" - I guess that means we're married!
I guess so!"

Tue July 9th @ 7:28PM

i rewatched punch-drunk love. has to be my favorite romance, god damn that movie is amazing. i seriously can't help but tear up every time i see it. love truly conquers all.

going to visit my mom this week, so excited. i haven't seen her in so long it feels like. it only sucks bc i have a 8 hour bus ride. last time i rode the bus across the state i had to listen to this guy blast movies and make out with his girlfriend the whole time. also no weed, wtf!

been working on cds for my ep, so those should be available soon. i think i might release them along side some t shirts i've been working on. it seriously makes me so happy seeing the response the tape has gotten so far. i'm going to make this this best summer ever